LIVE Podcasts

LIVE Podcasts

Legacy Podcast goes LIVE

We are hosting two live podcast events early 2025.  

With guests like David Smyth, Dawn McAvoy and Jasper Rutherford. These promise to be fascinating evenings of conversation on faith and fatherhood hosted by Andy Lamberton.
These are free events for all men. And you’ll get to see a podcast being recorded!

It’ll be a good night!

More information for each event can be found at the registration links.
Book for yourself or a group.

Elmwood Presbyterian, Lisburn
Thursday 23rd January 2025, 7:30pm

Magherafelt Baptist, Mid-Ulster
Friday 28th February 2025, 7:30pm


Listen to Legacy Podcast on: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music

Past LIVE Events

Show Notes: LIVE with Peter Lynas at Regular Joes

Faith in the public square, a weekend for fathers and their 11y/o moving into year 8, and the small question of what it means to be human…

Welcome to the first of our LIVE Podcasts. Kicking things off with Peter Lynas at the Regular Joes men’s conference run by our friends at RUMbLE.

Peter trained and worked as a barrister. Married to Rose with two daughters. He has sat on various boards over the years, including the board of Regent College, where he and his wife studied for a season. He also sits on our board at Exodus. His passion for faith in the public square compels him as a regular commentator in the media. He now directs the work of Evangelical Alliance across the UK and is co-lead of Being Human.

Subscribe to our mailing list and receive a copy of The Heart of the Father – Seven Readings for Fathers.


Peter Lynas is the director of Evangelical Alliance in the UK and co-lead of Being Human


Andy Lamberton is director of Legacy and author of Letters for Exiles


Being Human

Evangelical Alliance

Show Notes: LIVE with Shane Logan and Fanta Clarke at Ballygrainy Presbyterian
Today’s guests hold significant roles in society and church. Join us for this uplifting conversation as Andy speaks with Shane and Fanta about their story of faith, the theme of fatherhood across Scripture, and what it means to be a grandfather and a father today.

Former head of Ulster Rugby, Shane Logan, is the new chief executive of the Bryson Group, one of Northern Ireland’s biggest and oldest social enterprises. During his time at Ulster Rugby, Shane oversaw the £15m redevelopment of Ravenhill, now the Kingspan Stadium, as well as a period of strong success on the field, which culminated in the side reaching the 2012 Heineken Cup Final. 

Ken (aka Fanta) became a minister in 1972 and has served in a number of roles across the evangelical church, including time spent in Chile as a missionary, local church leadership on both sides of the Irish border, became Bishop of Kilmore, Elhpin and Ardagh in 2001 before directing SAMS UK and Ireland (South American Mission Society). Now Re-Fired, he is married to Helen, they have four daughters, and grandchildren.

Andy directs the work of Legacy and has been hosting the Legacy podcast since it started, with conversations on faith and fatherhood. Author of Letters for Exiles, married to Debbie, they have four children and usually have icepops for deserts. 

Help me grow as a Christian Man, with Joe Barnard

Help me grow as a Christian Man, with Joe Barnard

Show Notes

The Christian life is no anti-climax. Jesus invites us to life in all its fullness.

When Jesus calls Peter to ‘come follow me’ he doesn’t leave Peter in the dark. He says come follow me, and I will make you into a fisher of men. Jesus had a journey of transformation in mind for Peter. Discipleship. 

If you’re feeling stuck, your faith stagnant – listen to this episode. Sometimes we need a nudge to awaken us again. To grow in the freedom of putting Christ first. To live a generous and grateful life with God and our family. 



0:00 – 5:32 Introductions

5:33 – 10:48 The main things that help Christian men grow

10:49 – 12:08 You’re from Scotland but your accent’s American?

12:09 – 21:22 PRESS and Men Behaving Dadly

21:23 – 39:59 More things that help spiritual growth for men


Guest: Joe Barnard

Joe Barnard is the pastor of Holyrood Evangelical Church in Edinburgh and the executive director of Cross Training Ministries, a discipleship ministry focused on training men in spiritual fitness. He is also the author of ‘The Way Forward: a Road Map of Spiritual Growth for Men in the 21st Century’. Married to Anna, they have four children.


Host: Andy Lamberton

Andy Lamberton is the director of Legacy. He goes to the same church his parents, grandparents, great and great great-grandparents went to. Married to Debbie, they are raising their four children in Donegal with ice-pops for dessert most days. Author of Letters for Exiles: Faithful Living in a Faithless World.




Cross Training Ministries


How to Help Your Children with Friendship, Sex and Marriage – with Ed Drew. S3E

How to Help Your Children with Friendship, Sex and Marriage – with Ed Drew. S3E

Friendship Sex, and Marriage, I mean… I like all those things! But I struggle to talk about them with my children. 

Show Notes

Friendship Sex, and Marriage, I mean… I like all those things! But I struggle to talk about them with my children. 

Join Andy as he talks with Ed Drew from Faith in Kids about loneliness and value, sex and sexuality, marriage and Mr Rogers.


0:00 – 2:36 Introductions

2:36 – 13:47 Transferable Skills

13:47 – 17:03 Loniness, Friendship and Value

17:03 – 27:31 Sex and Sexuality

27:31 – 37:08 Final Remarks

Part of our ‘How to’ series

Guest: Ed Drew

He is the director of Faith in Kids, which seeks to resource children’s and family ministry in the local church. For twelve years, he was the Children’s Worker in South West London. He’s married to Mary, and they have three children. Before all that, he worked as an engineer. Author of Raising Confident Kids in a confusing world.

Host: Andy Lamberton

Andy Lamberton is the director of Legacy. He goes to the same church his parents, grandparents, great and great great-grandparents went to. Married to Debbie, they are raising their four children in Donegal with ice-pops for dessert most days. Author of Letters for Exiles: Faithful Living in a Faithless World.



Faith in Kids

Facebook article mentioned in Podcast

LIVE Podcasts

Podcast Live

Legacy Podcast goes LIVE

We are hosting two live podcast events.  

With guests like David Smyth, Dawn McAvoy and Jasper Rutherford. These promise to be fascinating evenings of conversation on faith and fatherhood hosted by Andy Lamberton.
These are free events for all men. And you’ll get to see a podcast being recorded!

Invite your bros! It’ll be a good night!

More information for each event can be found at the registration links.
Book for yourself or a group.

Elmwood Presbyterian, Lisburn – Thursday 23rd January 2025, 7:30pm – BOOK YOUR SEATS HERE.

Magherafelt Baptist, Mid-Ulster – Friday 28th February 2025, 7:30pm – BOOK YOUR SEATS HERE



Listen to Legacy Podcast on: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music

How to Embrace God’s Call to be Fathers to the Fatherless – with Roger Cooke. Legacy Podcast S3E3

How to Embrace God’s Call to be Fathers to the Fatherless – with Roger Cooke. Legacy Podcast S3E3

Listen on: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music

How to Embrace God’s Call to be Fathers to the Fatherless – with Roger Cooke. S3E3

Would you consider fostering? 

Every 15 minutes, a child comes into care in the UK. What can we, as the church, do to help? We were delighted to have Roger Cooke, from Home for Good, on the Legacy Podcast. Roger provides a depth of insight which we (Stephen and Andy) found both inspiring and helpful in considering if fostering is something our families can do.

Join us. 


0:00 – 7:45 Introductions
7:45 – 22:35 Why should we care?
22:35 – 35:32 What does it take?
35:32 – 42:46 Commissioning for Every Father

Today’s Guest
Roger Cooke is the right man to help us consider fostering and adoption. He leads the work of Home for Good, who believe we all have a part to play in ensuring every child and young person has the home they need. They work to mobilise the Church in the UK to respond to the needs of children in care. Find out more at 

Home for Good


Legacy Podcast Hosts

Andy Lamberton is the director of Legacy. He goes to the same church his parents, grandparents, great and great great-grandparents went to. Married to Debbie, they are raising their four children in Donegal with ice-pops for dessert most days. Author of Letters for Exiles: Faithful Living in a Faithless World.

Stephen Mullan directs the work of Dreamscheme Northern Ireland, a youth work charity that provides support and opportunities to young people growing up in housing estates. He also writes on the subject of youth via his newsletter Rethinking Youth. Stephen is married to Sharon and has two young children.

Stephen Mullan

How to Help Your Children Slow Down, with Kent Evans. Legacy Podcast S3E2

How to Help Your Children Slow Down, with Kent Evans. Legacy Podcast S3E2

Listen on: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music

How to Help Your Children Slow Down

Life is a million miles an hour. Is your home a haven or do you live in a hurried house? Little of what’s important happens in a rush. 

Join Andy Lamberton as he speaks with Kent Evans about helping our children slow down.


  • 0:00 – Introduction
  • 3:30 – Helping our children slow down
  • 24:00 – Becoming disciple-making dads

This is the second of our ‘How To’ series. Up next: How to Embrace God’s Call to be Fathers to the Fatherless, with Roger Cooke. 

Kent Evans is executive director of Manhood Journey, and along with his wife, April, has not one, not two, not three, not four, but five sons. Author of Manhood Journey and Wise Guys



Legacy Podcast Hosts

Andy Lamberton is the director of Legacy. He goes to the same church his parents, grandparents, great and great great-grandparents went to. Married to Debbie, they are raising their four children in Donegal with ice-pops for dessert most days. Author of Letters for Exiles: Faithful Living in a Faithless World.

Stephen Mullan directs the work of Dreamscheme Northern Ireland, a youth work charity that provides support and opportunities to young people growing up in housing estates. He also writes on the subject of youth via his newsletter Rethinking Youth. Stephen is married to Sharon and has two young children.

Stephen Mullan